We believe play is the root of all learning, and listening is the foundation of love.
There’s power
in play
Ascolta Early Learning and Care’s philosophy is built to support the wonder and magic children create. We view early childhood education as a living, breathing form of art that requires principled listeners, mastery and heart.
When educating children, we follow the pedagogy of listening. Educating with listening and sensitivity means that we value and consider every child’s place. We give children recognition of their right to play, celebrate their strengths, and encourage them to try new things.

A blend of teaching methods that inspire and delight.
Inspired education
We’re guided by the Early Years Learning Framework and inspired by a blend of best teaching practices: Reggio Emilia, International Baccalaureate (Primary Years Program) and Montessori. Alongside teaching children, we seek to create an environment of maternal, attuned Educators, where listening becomes an attitude for life.

Inquiry Based Learning
Inquiry-based, transdisciplinary education that builds conceptual understanding.
Early Years Learning Framework
A national guide to supporting and nurturing early learning with an emphasis on belonging, being and becoming.
Holistic, self-paced experiences that create a solid foundation for a love of life-long learning.
An environment that excites children’s curiosities and deepens their engagement of the surrounding world.
Fostering a love of learning
Our values — listen, love, laugh and learn — are at the core of everything we do. Our teaching supports every child as they develop self-awareness, gain independence, and learn about the world about them. Ascolta’s learning spaces create opportunities for reflective inquiry-based learning, where under-fives thrive in a happy, secure, and fun environment. Passionate Educators actively listen and tune in to every child’s learning journey, building on their sense of self whilst cultivating a love of learning. We cherish all children in our care and love them as our own.