Busy Bees Room
4 – 5 Year Olds
Preparing children for school.
Three – Five

The Busy Bees room at Ascolta caters to our oldest children, aged 4-5 years. Your child is given opportunities to thrive in a learning environment rich with academics. Many children show an interest in math, language, and writing, enriched with experiential play that connects to their individual interests and developmental stage.
Through play and open-ended activities, we engage inquiry-based learning so children can build agency and autonomy over their learning. Upon reaching the age of kindergarten, your child can communicate more effectively than ever. That means building relationships and social skills is an important consideration at this stage of childcare.
Our educators guide children towards success, extending their thoughts and ideas. The environment is very much the “third teacher” here, catering to different interests and setup in way that is accessible to all learning styles. Children become motivated learners, able to work within a class community with respect and love.
Fostering a Love of Learning
Keeping our bees busy with buzzing learning spaces and shaping their own learning experience.
Our Busy Bees work in a space where maths and language are seamlessly weaved throughout the environment. As part of their childcare, we tackle bigger projects that help kindergarten aged children develop a sense of pride and experience the satisfaction that comes with hard work. This includes projects put on hold until the next day, drawings stuck on Lego constructions, paintings linked to words, clay creations drying, and “don’t touch” signs where needed around the room. We nurture a sense-of-self and independence, whilst encouraging healthy relationships.
Guided by our educators, your child will be delighted as they follow their thoughts and extend their learning journey in new ways. There are opportunities for children to be part of whole group learning, smaller groups, partner-play, and individual learning. Curiosities are fulfilled, inquiries are investigated, and learning is loved.
Creative Activities
Our kindergarten aged children learn through creative activities that teach numbers in different ways, have loose parts to count, and grow familiarity with letters and books. 3D objects are also used for investigations and problem-solving.
Reading and Communicating
During whole-class learning, a story might be read or children may share their work with the class. Together, we also explore what it means to care, communicate, take risks, be a good friend, show empathy, and more.
Children enjoy self-expression through cutting and gluing, painting and drawing on a canvas or paper, and scribbling on our whiteboard. If we don’t have what your child is searching for, we go on an adventure to the other classes and borrow their materials.
Larry and Lexi
Taking on a large social component of the Busy Bee curriculum, Larry and Lexi play a big part in helping your child consolidate some understanding of what it means to be part of the Busy Bee class community.
Numbers and Letters
We engage in small group learning, facilitated by our educators, where children explore numbers through play. Children can also engage in individual learning, where they may explore the letters in their name.
It’s even better in person.
See for yourself
This is just a taste of what to expect at our childcare centres for learning — we’d love to show you and your little one around one of our Busy Bee rooms in person. We’re also always open to feedback, so if you’d like to see something else in the Busy Bee room, let us know!